I just started a new project using JavaFX. My development VM is now a Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa MATE. Java version is openjdk version "11.0.3" 2019-04-16.
I configured my development environment as follows.
Install openjdk-11-jdk package.
Install openjfx package (version: 11.0.2).
Create ~/DevTools folder.
Install IntelliJ IDEA CE:
Install Scene Builder:
Configure IDEA for JavaFX:
To create a JavaFX project:
The installation procedure described here was done on a Linux Mint 18.3 MATE with Java 8.
Ensure that Java is installed. If this is not the case, do it, as described in this article for instance. If you use OpenJDK, install the openjfx package.
Download and install the all in one bundle from Best Solution website.
Note: I tried to install e(fx)clipse as documented here. This did not work: I got a never-ending update attempt when creating a new JavaFX project.
Download Scene Builder from here and install it. Then, in the freshly installed Eclipse, set the preference Window / Preferences / JavaFX / SceneBuilder executable to Scene Builder path, which is /opt/SceneBuilder/SceneBuilder for me.