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IoT/M2M - My July tweets
Created on 05-Aug-2015 - Updated on 04-Sep-2015 - 11179 views
My July
tweets on IoT and M2M
June edition
August edition
Devices, objects, things...
Touchable holograms: a UI for IoT?
HidnSeek: an open source tracking device using Sigfox network, on Kickstarter
34 years ago, BBC released the BBC Micro. They now deliver the micro:bit
Arduino Yun Mini: an Arduino for breadboard with integrated Wi-Fi
A list of some IoT prototyping kits that do not require a soldering iron
Added Renesas's RL78/G1D to my list of wireless microcontrollers
Added Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52 to my list of wireless microcontrollers
Elena Neira
A new Google interaction sensor uses radar technology to track movement
On Kickstarter: a tiny PC for $30, running an environment based on Android
Want to start playing with microcontrollers for the IoT? Check this article
On Kickstarter: a thin and light solar charger
*hype on* a JavaScript engine for the IoT - *hype off* a lightweight JavaScript engine for constrained devices :-)
The $9 CHIP computer will be delivered with a fully open source Linux kernel
HidnSeek: an open source tracking device using Sigfox network, on Kickstarter
GPS L2C signal will allow for more accuracy
HidnSeek: an open source tracking device using Sigfox network, on Kickstarter
Wireless IoT Forum founding members announced. Include Accenture, Arkessa, BT, Cisco, Telensa and WSN
Thread wireless networking protocol available
Added Renesas's RL78/G1D to my list of wireless microcontrollers
Added Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52 to my list of wireless microcontrollers
Thread wireless networking protocol available
Eddystone, an open beacon format from Google
ARM acquires Sansa Security, to provide more security for IoT devices
Microsoft contribution to the AllSeen Alliance: AllJoyn Device System Bridge
Microsoft Wants to Run AllJoyn over Thread
Wireless IoT Forum founding members announced. Include Accenture, Arkessa, BT, Cisco, Telensa and WSN
Open Interconnect Consortium delivers version 0.9.1of their specification
FIWARE is now a Sigfox Ready platform
Benjamin Cabé
Remote management of an ARM mbed device using LwM2M, Wakaama & Leshan
Added AggreGate to my list of IoT / M2M platforms
Added Waygum to my list of IoT / M2M platforms
Eddystone, an open beacon format from Google
3 Pitfalls to Avoid in Agile Implementations
A list of visual IoT programming tools
A decentralized cloud storage service, based on blockchain technology
Added Concirrus to my list of IoT / M2M platforms
*hype on* a JavaScript engine for the IoT - *hype off* a lightweight JavaScript engine for constrained devices :-)
The $9 CHIP computer will be delivered with a fully open source Linux kernel
I need to drive a hardware device with a PC. Started to play with JavaFX for this purpose
A user-contributed list of recipes for developing IoT applications on IBM Bluemix
My first JavaFX application, for driving a device: added serial port basic handling
$18 million fundraising for Senet, to support roll-out of a LoRa network in the USA
ARM's Wish List for IoT
PubNub raises $20 million in funding
Interesting considerations from Telensa about Sigfox and value chain for IoT/M2M applications
Should you learn Chinese if you plan to do business in IoT? 可能有益
Carnegie Mellon University + Google: testing IoT technologies
Added Offensive IoT Exploitation / Black Hat Europe to my list of IoT M2M events
The seven principles of IoT
Scott Amyx
Check out my latest article: 67 Open Source Tools and Resources for IoT
On Kickstarter: a thin and light solar charger
Will smartgrid cause more black-outs?!
The $9 CHIP computer will be delivered with a fully open source Linux kernel
A test city for ITS and automated vehicles
FCC Rules Block use of Open Source
clipart source
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