Using Linux:
- open a terminal.
- create two subdirectories, in your current directory: tmp and img.
- put pictures into subdirectory tmp.
- go into directory tmp.
- using following command, rename pictures so that file names are sequentially numbered, starting from 1 (replace .jpg by a string corresponding to your pictures files names:
x=1; for i in *.jpg; do counter=$(printf %03d $x); \
ln -s "../tmp/$i" ../img/img"$counter".jpg; x=$(($x+1)); done
- go into img subdirectory.
- then, type the command:
ffmpeg -r 5 -b 1M -i img%03d.jpg -s 800x600 ../video.mp4
- the -r parameter (5, here) is the number of pictures per second. The -b parameter is the bitrate (1 Mb/s, here). The -s parameter is the definition of the resulting video. video.mp4 is the name of the video file that will be created.
Then, using PiTiVi, edit resulting video, if necessary. Output format I use:
- container format: MP4
- video:
- 25 fps
- FFmpeg MPEG-4 part 2
- bit rate: 1000000
- encoding pass/type: VBR encoding - pass 1
- audio:
- codec: L.A.M.E. mp3
- bit rate: 64 (kb/s)